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When going to the toilet

When going to the toilet

More than one hadith clarify what should be done when going to the toilet. Entering with the left foot and leaving with the right one is recommended, as well as saying some prayers and other points discussed below. 

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 450
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Unbelievers’ utensils

Unbelievers’ utensils

Muslims are allowed to use unbelievers’ utensils after being cleaned from any impurity. It is also permitted to eat from earlier religions people food. The Prophet himself accepted a Jew invitation to a meal.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 377
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When ablution is required

When ablution is required

Wudu means cleanliness and brightness. But in Islam it refers to washing the face, arms, head and feet with clean water. In other words it is called ablution. It is obligatory before prayer or similar worship acts.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 497
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The call to prayer

The call to prayer

Being a caller to prayer is an honor that shouldn't be granted to anyone. The one who recites Adhan and iqamah to remind all Muslims of their prayers must be honest, sane adult, trustworthy, and have a loud voice.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 488
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Duties in prayer

Duties in prayer

There are eight duties a Muslim must obey to in prayers, like the glorification. And if they are deliberately omitted, the prayer is invalid. If it is forgotten, it is compensated for by two prostrations at the end. 

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 356
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Conditions for the validity of prayer

Conditions for the validity of prayer

Prayers are the duties of every Muslim with the following conditions: sanity, attaining puberty, purification, appropriate time, covering Awrah (private parts), facing Qiblah, and forming the intention.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 351
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The Prayer of Eclipse

The Prayer of Eclipse

Praying it is a communal obligation and it must be prayed in congregation and in the masjid. When the eclipse is visible and can be seen by people, the call is made to gather the Muslims in the mosque. 

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 342
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The Prayer for Rain

The Prayer for Rain

Offering prayers for rain (salaat al-istisqa’) is a Sunnah, as confirmed by saheeh hadeeths and the practice of the early generations of Islam.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 342
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The Prayer

The Prayer

Muslims are asked to meet Allah five times a day through performing Salah or the Islamic Prayers. These five meetings are the main factors for the love of Allah to be granted a happy life and Jannah.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 584
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