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New Muslims Guide to Hajj and Umrah


This is a gift for all the new Muslims who currently know the right path to Allah. This is a means to strength and preserve their belief.

Fiqh as-Sunnah: The Book of Hajj


One of the most detailed books describing the rulings of Hajj, Umrah, and visiting the Masjid of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

The pilgrimage days


Pilgrimage starts by the pilgrim taking a bath, declaring his intention to do pilgrimage, entering in a state of consecration and starting his journey to Mina by midday. This article explains all steps in details. 

The Sacrifice and its Rulings


Sacrifice or Hady is slaughtering animals to earn God’s reward as a part of Pilgrimage. There are five types; some are compulsory others are voluntary or recommended. Time and place for sacrifice depend on its type. 

On the way back


Whenever the Prophet came home from any expedition or pilgrimage or 'umrah, when he came to a narrow passage he used to declare that there is no deity than Allah and he has no partners. Read the full sentence below. 

If the stoning is delayed


If the stoning is delayed, the pilgrim should go for the 3 jamrahs to stone in order for 3 successive days in order to finish his pilgrimage duties and proceed to do Farwell Tawaf if he is not a Makkah resident.

How to conduct the pilgrimage


Pilgrimage has 3 different methods; the tamattu', the qiran and the ifrad. Before, the pilgrim should start his consecration, at the point of miqat and declares his intention according to the method he chose.



Compensation is an obligation on pilgrim if he violates any of pilgrimage restrictions. Compensation is due whether the violation was for a valid on invalid reason. It may be a sacrifice, donation or fasting.

Practices prohibited during consecration (i.e. ihram)


During consecration some Halal practices are prohibited, such as wearing perfumes, clipping hair or nails etc. If anything is done out of ignorance or forgetfulness it would be overlooked and one must revert.

Conditions for Pilgrimage


Pilgrimage is obligatory for every sane, adult, free, able (physically and financially) Muslim. It consists of 7 practices necessary to be done and 7 duties to complete the process and 9 recommended practices.

The Pilgrimage (i.e. hajj)


Pilgrimage is one of the five pillars upon which the structure of Islam is built on. Its steps are clearly mentioned in Quran and it must fulfill certain rites in particular places and times in order to be complete.
