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Applying perfume that has alcohol and praying with it
Applying perfume that has alcohol and praying with it.
Can I Pray Sunnah Prayer (Tahiyatul Masjid) Just Before Maghrib?
The Prophet (PBUH) has mentioned the three times in a day where it is forbidden to pray. What happens when we enter a masjid and want to pray tahiyatul masjid a few minutes before maghrib?
How Can One Perform The 4 Rak'ahs Sunnah Before Dhur Prayer?
Each prayer has a sunnah prayer attached to it. We know that Dhur prayer has 4 raka’hs sunnah prior. How should these 4 rak’ahs be performed?
Can Someone Sit And Pray While On The Plane?
What happens if we are on a plane during the time for prayer? Can we pray while sitting on the plane?
I Want To Begin Praying But Haven't In Years, What Do I Do?
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. Without a doubt, it is a crucial aspect of our deen. If a person has not prayed in years, but wants to start doing so, how should they go about that? What should they do?
How Should Two People Praying Together Stand In Salah?
When two people are in jam’ah together, where should the imam be standing and where should the follower stand? A common practice is for the follower to be a little behind the imam. Is this correct?
How Do I Know My Istikhara Has Been Answered?
Istikhara is done to know if you should do something after you have taken a firm decision about something - like a job/ marriage / purchasing a home. If your istikhara is done correctly, your answer is already given. Istikhara helps you confirm with Allah if your decision is correct or wrong for done to know if you should do something after you have taken a firm decision about something - like a job/ marriage / purchasing a home. If your istikhara is done correctly, your answer is already given. Istikhara helps you confirm with Allah if your decision is correct or wrong for you.
The Prayer for Rain
Offering prayers for rain (salaat al-istisqa’) is a Sunnah, as confirmed by saheeh hadeeths and the practice of the early generations of Islam.
Congregational prayer: its importance and status
In addition to the honor God has granted Muslims through prayers, he has given them the honor of Congregational prayer. Congregational prayer is a duty for Muslims that Allah and his prophet (php) have made clear.
Reprehensible acts in prayer
During prayers, one has to avoid some acts that are discouraged in a prayer. Those acts such as; moving too much, reciting only the Fatha in the first tow rakaa, closing the eyes, and other gestures discussed below.
Offering Two Prayers Together Due to Study or Work Requirements or Time Overlap
Delaying a prayer beyond its time range or combining tow prayers is only accepted in situations of maximum difficulty. Although some scholars have permitted in case or work conditions and other situations.
Renting a Place of Entertainment for Friday and Eid Prayers
Renting a place that have been used for gaming or dancing for Friday or Eid prayer is not accepted by all scholars. Some approve it in condition that the place is thoroughly cleaned. Others disapprove it completely.
Renting a Church for Friday and Eid Prayers
Muslims in Western countries are allowed to rent Churches for Friday or Eid prayers if no other place is available. But they have to make sure that statues are covered and the place is cleaned from any impurities.
Multiple Congregations in the Same Mosque because of Limited Space
Muslims might offer their obligatory prayers in several congregations in the same mosque; whether due to limited space or latecomers. It is permitted by many scholars and supported by the Prophet’s hadith.
The Description of the Prophet’s Prayer
Each worship has a quality and manner demonstrated by Allah or by His prophet peace be upon him. So the writer of this message said in the introduction: "This is a brief about the manner of praying of the prophet introduced to each Muslim to try hard to follow him for the saying of the prophet "Pray as you have seen me praying." narrated by Bukhari.