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Jinayah means offence and it refers to a crime committed against a person, or property or honor.

Offences causing physical injury


A qisas punishment is enforced in case of offences causing physical injury based on the Qur’an, the Sunnah and unanimity of scholars. Such Offences are of three categories.

Accidental killing


Accidental killing does not incur a punishment in the hereafter, while the ruling in this life is that indemnity is payable by the offender and his relatives in of 3 years.

Deliberate killing, or murder


Deliberate killing is a major sin, if the killer is a sane adult fulfilling 3 murder conditions he should be subjected to retribution of death as Qisas unless the victim's family forgives or accepts indemnity.

An offence against life


Committing a murder or killing someone without a lawful cause is strictly forbidden in Islam as stated in Quran. Killing is categorized into three types; deliberate, semi-deliberate and accidental. 

Offences causing physical injury


These include every type of harm that affects a human being but does not lead to death, including wounds and loss of limbs or other organs.In these cases al-Qisaas is enforced. Allah says: ‘A life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and a similar retribution for wounds’ (5: 43).

Accidental killing


The offender has no intention to kill the victim, but his action results in another’s death.Ruling: The ruling relating to the hereafter is that accidental killing does not incur a sin or a punishment, while the ruling relating to this life is that indemnity is payable by the offender and his relatives over a period of three years.

Semi-deliberate killing, or manslaughter


This occurs when the offender attacks his victim with something which does not normally cause death, but then the victim dies.

An offence against life


This is the crime of killing. Allah says: ‘Do not take any human being’s life – which Allah has made sacred – except in the course of justice’ (6: 151).



Jinayah means offence and it refers to a crime committed against a person, or property or honor.

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Indemnity


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains Rules of Indemnity in Islam. 

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Offences


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the Rules of Offences in islam.

Accidental killing


Accidental killing does not incur a punishment in the hereafter, while the ruling in this life is that indemnity is payable by the offender and his relatives in of 3 years.

Semi-deliberate killing, or manslaughter


The rule on semi-deliberate killing or manslaughter falls in between deliberate and accidental killing. The offender is to pay indemnity from his wealth to the victim's family.

Loss of function of a bodily organ


Qisas cannot be applied in case of losing a bodily organ, instead the victim has to be paid indemnity. If the loss cannot be assessed, the punishment is determined by a judge.

Loss of limb


There are 3 categories of the offence causing a limb loss, deliberate, semi-deliberate and accidental. Qisas is applicable to the deliberate category only if 3 conditions are observed.



There are 2 categories of wounds, to the face and to the rest of the body. There are 10 degrees of the 2 categories. It is left to the judge to determent the due compensation.

Offences causing physical injury


A qisas punishment is enforced in case of offences causing physical injury based on the Qur’an, the Sunnah and unanimity of scholars. Such Offences are of three categories.

Deliberate killing, or murder


Deliberate killing is a major sin, if the killer is a sane adult fulfilling 3 murder conditions he should be subjected to retribution of death as Qisas unless the victim's family forgives or accepts indemnity.

An offence against life


Committing a murder or killing someone without a lawful cause is strictly forbidden in Islam as stated in Quran. Killing is categorized into three types; deliberate, semi-deliberate and accidental. 
