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An oath is made to confirm something by Allah’s name or one of His attributes. Oaths may be classified into three categories with respect to their validity and commitment.

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Atonement for oaths


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the Atonement for oaths.

Can we swear or take an oath on Quran by placing our hand or by words?


Can we swear or take an oath on Quran by placing our hand or by words? - Assim al hakeem

Conditions for atonement


The atonement of an unfulfilled oath is a must if it is a valid one, done deliberately and the swearer did not do what he swore to do, provided that he did not make an exception.

Atonement for oaths


Atonement for oaths can be done by feeding 10 poor people, giving each of the 10 people a garment, or to set a slave free. If not attainable, the swearer should fast for 3 days.

Oaths and Pledges


There are 3 kinds of oaths: Idle oaths which are not accountable, confirmed ones which are accountable, and false oaths which are cardinal sins and cannot be atoned for.
