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Animals Slaughtered by Unbelievers
A Muslim may not partake of the meat of animals slaughtered by unbelievers other than the followers of earlier divine religions. This applies to Zoroastrians, idolaters, atheists and the like. Nor is it permissible to eat of their food that is mixed with such meat, including the sauce. The only exception is the case of absolute necessity that permits eating carrion. This ruling is issued by the Permanent Committee for Research and Fatwa in Saudi Arabia, and it is endorsed by Shaikh Abd al-Azeez ibn Baz.
Non-Muslims Whose Food is Permissible to Eat
People are considered to be followers of earlier divine religions when they are Christians or Jews and affiliate themselves to such communities. This is not affected by the distortion that has crept into their faiths, unless such distortion is tantamount to total atheism. In this particular case they are no longer classified as belonging to earlier divine religions, but as idolaters and atheists, and any meat they have prepared for meals is unlawful to eat, This is the view of the late Shaikh Muhammad ibn Uthaymeen and of the General Secretary of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America. It is also stated in Fatawa al-Aqaliyyat al-Muslimah and endorsed by the Permanent Committee for Research and Fatwa.
Eating in Restaurants Serving Forbidden Foodstuff
It is not permissible for a Muslim to eat in restaurants that serve forbidden foodstuff such as wines and pork when other restaurants that do not serve these are available. However, if it is not easy for him to eat elsewhere then eating in such restaurants is acceptable, provided that he does not eat or drink anything that is forbidden. This is the view of the Permanent Committee for Research and Fatwa
Eating Food Mixed with Traces of Pork
If a Muslim is certain that the food has been contaminated with pork, it is not permissible to eat unless it is washed. If he is not certain then it is permissible to eat. This is the view of the Permanent Committee for Research and Fatwa and the late Shaikh Muhammad ibn Uthaymeen, as well as other contemporary scholars.
Food Containing Small Quantities of Forbidden Products
If these substances are small in quantity and they get changed through chemical reaction so as not to exist on their own, acquiring a new description or name, then their status changes and that will not affect the permissibility of the food or drink. This is the view of the late Shaikh Muhammad ibn Uthaymeen and a number of contemporary scholars.
Operating a Franchise or Restaurant Selling Forbidden Food
In Decision 13 of the fifth convention, held in Manama, Bahrain, 1428 AH, 2007, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America stated that a Muslim may not make an application to open a restaurant or fast-food cafeteria which sells forbidden items of food or drink unless his application is limited to the food and drink that are permissible in Islam.