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Why are there so many contradictions between Hanafi madhab & Authentic hadiths?


Why are there so many contradictions between Hanafi madhab & Authentic hadiths? - Assim al hakeem.

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | The Leading Fiqh Scholars


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the Leading Fiqh Scholars (Founders of the four schools of Fiqh), such as Abu Hanifah, Malik, Al-Shafi'iand Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

Works of Hanbli school


Al-Marawi’s Al-Inf. Ibn Mufli’s Al-Fur, and those by later scholars include Mansour al-Bahuti’s - Kashf al-Qina'an Matn al-Iqna'

Hanbli school


Methodology: Texts, The rulings of the Prophet’s Companions, whenever they agreed on a question. When the Prophet’s Companions disagreed, he would choose the view he considered closest to the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

works of Al-Shafi'i School


Mohammed al-Ramli -Nihayat al-Muhtaj ila Shar al-Minhaj; 2) Ahmad al-Haytami’s -Tufaht al-Muhtaj fi Sharh al-Minhaj; and 3) al-Khab al-Shirbni’s Mughni- al-Muhtaj ila Shar al-Minhaj.

Al-Shafi'i School


Methodology: Qur'an, Sunnah, Unanimity of (all) the Scholars, the statement of any Companion of the Prophet (pbuh), provided there is no disagreement among the Prophet’s Companions on the same matter, Analogy: applying a stated verdict to a question that carries no verdict, provided that the reasoning for this verdict applies equally to both questions.

Works of Maliki School


Sunan’s Al-Mudawwanah, rulings and statements as transmitted by Abd al-Rahmaan ibn al-Qasim; and Mukhta ar Khal l. Al-Dardr’s Al-Shar al-Kabr, with further annotations by Ibn Arafah al-Dusqi; Muhammad Al-Abdari al-Mawwq’s Al-Tj wal-Ikll; and al-ab’s shiyat Mawhib al-Jall fi Shar Mukhtaar Khall.

Works of Hanafi School


Among the best known works that explain the Hanafi school of Fiqh is Ibn Abidin’s Radd al-Muhtar ‘ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar; Mas’ud al-Kasani’s Bada’I’ al-Sana’i fi Tartib al-Shara’i; and Ibn al-Hammam’s Fath al-Qadir.

Hanafi School


Methodology: Quran, Sunnah, the Companions and research.
