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My Family Begins Or Ends Ramadan On A Different Day


My Family Begins Or Ends Ramadan On A Different Day - Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi

​If a man has more than one wife, who will be his wife in Jannah?


If a man has more than one wife, who will be his wife in Jannah? Assim Al-Hakeem.

How should wife behave during Iddah period?


How should wife behave during Iddah period of first 2 divorces, what about intimacy? Assim al hakeem

Taking benefits by Cheating or Lying to the government


Taking benefits by Cheating or Lying to the government - Assim al hakeem.

My husband is not regular in prayer, am I a fornicator for sleeping with him?


My husband is not regular in prayer, am I a fornicator for sleeping with him? - Assim al hakeem.

Set alarm for Fajr, heard athan while half asleep, but went back to sleep


Set alarm for Fajr, heard athan while half asleep, but went back to sleep without praying- Assim Al-hakeem

Where should we look at while Praying when Standing, in Ruku, Tashahhud etc?


Where should we look at while Praying when Standing, in Ruku, Tashahhud etc? - Assim al hakeem

Should we praise Allah & say durood before making dua in sujood(Proper way of making dua)


Should we praise Allah & say durood before making dua in sujood(Proper way of making dua).

Getting old & still unmarried, I'm feeling Sad and Depressed, What to do?


Getting old & still unmarried, I'm feeling Sad and Depressed, What to do? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we make wudu with Oil or Gel on our hair?


Can we make wudu with Oil or Gel on our hair? - Assim al hakeem.

Beer Shampoo


Beer Shampoo - Assim al hakeem.



Meditation - Assim al hakeem.

Awrah of Women in front of other Women that needs to be covered


Awrah of Women in front of other Women that needs to be covered - Assim al hakeem

After getting married should a woman obey her parents or her husband?


After getting married should a woman obey her parents or her husband? - Assim al hakeem

Is my father's uncle a mahram


Is my father's uncle a mahram.

Can my children considered as mahram


Can my children considered as mahram.

Who was the companion with him the prophet PBUH share most of his secrets


Who was the companion with him the prophet PBUH share most of his secrets.

Can't Wear Niqab at Work What to Do?


Can't Wear Niqab at Work What to Do?

What is the punishment for killing?


What is the punishment for killing? 

The 5 Ruling of sharia Could be applied to Marriage in Islam


The 5 Ruling of sharia Could be applied to Marriage in Islam.
