content of level

Hadith: Souls are like conscripted soldiers, those who they recognise they get along


Hadith: Souls are like conscripted soldiers, those who they recognise they get along.. Assimalhakeem.

Missed Asr & joined the Maghrib in congregation, how should he make up for Asr?


Missed Asr & joined the Maghrib in congregation, how should he make up for Asr? - Assim al hakeem.

If the Imam doesn't say Ameen after Fateha, what should the followers do?


If the Imam doesn't say Ameen after Fateha, what should the followers do? - Assim al hakeem.

People raise hands & make dua after Iqamah & before imam says AllahuAkbar, Is it valid


People raise hands & make dua after Iqamah & before imam says AllahuAkbar, Is it valid Assimalhakeem.

If Imam recites Rabbana dua from the Quran should one say Ameen while in prayer?


If Imam recites Rabbana dua from the Quran should one say Ameen while in prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

If I joined the Prayer while Imam is in Ruku, without reciting Fateha?


If I joined the Prayer while Imam is in Ruku, without reciting Fateha? - Assim al hakeem.

Can a second congregation be held at a Masjid right after the main congregation?


Can a second congregation be held at a Masjid right after the main congregation? - Assim al hakeem

I finished tashahhud, Imam is yet to say the Salam, should I sit idle or say something


I finished tashahhud, Imam is yet to say the Salam, should I sit idle or say something Assimalhakeem

Ten Commandments in Islam


Ten Commandments in Islam - Assim al hakeem.

Is a Skull cap mandatory for the Salah to be valid?


Is a Skull cap mandatory for the Salah to be valid? - Assim al hakeem.

Can a healthy person sit and pray just because he or she is tired?


Can a healthy person sit and pray just because he or she is tired? - Assim al hakeem.

Should we interrupt our prayer if our parents call us?


Should we interrupt our prayer if our parents call us? - Assim al hakeem.

Reward of performing wudu before going to bed


Reward of performing wudu before going to bed - Assim al hakeem.

Can we pray in front of a mirror?


Can we pray in front of a mirror? - Assim al hakeem.

What does Islam say about Worldly education?


What does Islam say about Worldly education? - Assim al hakeem.

Is the Centralised Adhan system practiced in some places according to the Sunnah?


Is the Centralised Adhan system practiced in some places according to the Sunnah? - Assim al hakeem.

Does eating Camel Meat break the Wudu?


Does eating Camel Meat break the Wudu? - Assim al hakeem.

How did the World begin? What is the origin of everything?


How did the World begin? What is the origin of everything? - Assim al hakeem.

Getting Intuitions, Premonitions and having the Sixth Sense


Getting Intuitions, Premonitions and having the Sixth Sense - Assim al hakeem

Pouring hot, boiling water in places where Jinn live


Pouring hot, boiling water in places where Jinn live - Assim al hakeem.
