content of level

Is it authentic to recite Surah kahf on Friday and what time should we recite it?


Is it authentic to recite Surah kahf on Friday and what time should we recite it? - Assim al hakeem

What's the ruling on a person who misses Friday prayer?


What's the ruling on a person who misses Friday prayer? - Assim al hakeem

Blind follow a madhab or not follow any madhab?


Blind follow a madhab or not follow any madhab? Follow Quran & Sunnah when there's confusion.

What to do in the short pause when the imam sits in between two khutbahs?


What to do in the short pause when the imam sits in between two khutbahs? - Assim al hakeem.

Burning hair to dispose it off!


Burning hair to dispose it off! - Assim al hakeem.

What's the ruling on a person who misses Friday prayer?


What's the ruling on a person who misses Friday prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

Itching, Shaking and Moving in Prayer


Itching, Shaking and Moving in Prayer - Assim al hakeem.

There is no compulsion in religion so why is there a punishment for apostasy?


There is no compulsion in religion so why is there a punishment for apostasy? - Assim al hakeem.

Missed the Khutbah but prayed Jummah with the imam, is my Friday prayer valid?


Missed the Khutbah but prayed Jummah with the imam, is my Friday prayer valid? - Assim al hakeem.

Is it permissible to sit while praying if you started praying standing?


Is it permissible to sit while praying if you started praying standing? - Assim al hakeem.

Who should lead the prayer?


Who should lead the prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

Cutting nails, removing pubic & armpit hair before Friday prayer or before ihram?


Cutting nails, removing pubic & armpit hair before Friday prayer or before ihram? - Assim al hakeem.

Should I repeat the adhan or pray tahiyatul masjid, what about during Friday prayer


Should I repeat the adhan or pray tahiyatul masjid, what about during Friday prayer- Assim al hakeem.

Were the killers of Uthman and Ali Muslims?


Were the killers of Uthman and Ali Muslims? - Assim al hakeem.

Husband unsatisfied no matter what I do


Husband unsatisfied no matter what I do Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

How do we know if Allah has accepted our dua?


How do we know if Allah has accepted our dua? - Assim al hakeem.

Where does it mention in the Qur'an that plucking the eyebrows is prohibited


Where does it mention in the Qur'an that plucking the eyebrows is prohibited Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

Can a wife object the husband's decision


Can a wife object the husband's decision Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

Is my father's uncle my mahram & Is my husband's father's uncle my mahram?


Is my father's uncle my mahram & Is my husband's father's uncle my mahram? - Assim al hakeem.

Is it acceptable to pray with animals logos on T Shirts, like Lacoste etc?


Is it acceptable to pray with animals logos on T Shirts, like Lacoste etc? - Assim al hakeem.
