content of level

What are the halal jobs a woman can work in, in Islam?


What are the halal jobs a woman can work in, in Islam? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we say we are the servants (Ghulam) of the Prophet ﷺ‎?


Can we say we are the servants (Ghulam) of the Prophet ﷺ‎? - Assim al hakeem.

If I delayed praying salah & then got my period, must I pray it after getting pure?


If I delayed praying salah & then got my period, must I pray it after getting pure?- Assim al hakeem.

How to pray behind an imam who prays very fast?


How to pray behind an imam who prays very fast? - Assim al hakeem.

​Making sujood separately from prayer


Making sujood separately from prayer - Shaikh Assim Al Hakeem.

The signs of the acceptance of dua


The signs of the acceptance of dua.

How can i convince my friends to wear hijab ?


How can i convince my friends to wear hijab ?

Praying two rakat of shukr in daily basis


Praying two rakat of shukr in daily basis.

Tawakkul and asking others for their Du'aa


Tawakkul and asking others for their Du'aa.

Is it a sin to like my friends pictures on social media


Is it a sin to like my friends pictures on social media - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

In tayammum is wiping the hands sufficient or do we include the wrists as well?


In tayammum is wiping the hands sufficient or do we include the wrists as well? - Assim al hakeem.

Are gifts from parents included in inheritance that must be divided among siblings?


Are gifts from parents included in inheritance that must be divided among siblings?- Assim al hakeem

Extended Warranty in Islam


Extended Warranty in Islam - Assim al hakeem.

Doubts whether he passed wind or not (Detect sound or smell)


Doubts whether he passed wind or not (Detect sound or smell) - Assim al hakeem.

Is late fee (Fine) or penalty considered as Riba (Interest)?


Is late fee (Fine) or penalty considered as Riba (Interest)? - Assim al hakeem.

Mistake in ruku, did I bend correctly?


Mistake in ruku, did I bend correctly? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on taking medicines for psychiatric illnesses


Ruling on taking medicines for psychiatric illnesses - Assim al hakeem.

How much profit can one make when selling an item? Is there a certain percentage?


How much profit can one make when selling an item? Is there a certain percentage? Assim al hakeem.

Had to make sujood as sahu before salam, forgot & made it after salam, is prayer valid


Had to make sujood as sahu before salam, forgot & made it after salam, is prayer valid Assimalhakeem.

Confused, did I commit kufr or not?


Confused, did I commit kufr or not? - Assim al hakeem.
