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Questions and Answers in Islamic Jurisprudence
📚 Interactive Islamic Jurisprudence with Sheikh Assim Al-HakeemExplore an interactive book featuring Q&A on Islamic Fiqh with Translated videos in English, Spanish, and French. 🕌 Available in 3 languages – learn and deepen your understanding of Islam Fiqh!
I remembered 2 rinse my mouth & nose 10 minutes after ghusl Is my ghusl valid #islam
I remembered 2 rinse my mouth & nose 10 minutes after ghusl Is my ghusl valid #islam - assim al hakeem
Mum asks me to wake her for fajr, can I enter parents room without permission #quran
Mum asks me to wake her for fajr, can I enter parents room without permission #quran - assim al hakeem
Man came in front of me so I broke my prayer, is this shirk or kufr? #allah #quran
Man came in front of me so I broke my prayer, is this shirk or kufr? #allah #quran - assim al hakeem
Can I wear perfume before Ihram & if Ihram touches it, is umrah valid #umrah #allah
Can I wear perfume before Ihram & if Ihram touches it, is umrah valid #umrah #allah - assim al hakeem
As an Imam Can I pray without doing Tajweed or Tarteel in loud prayers #quran #hijab
As an Imam Can I pray without doing Tajweed or Tarteel in loud prayers #quran #hijab - assim al hakeem
When should we eat 7 Ajwa dates as per the hadith, before or after Fajr #ajwa #quran
When should we eat 7 Ajwa dates as per the hadith, before or after Fajr #ajwa #quran - assim al hakeem
Is Allah punishing me Medical problem with no cure Making dua but things getting worse assimalhakeem
Is Allah punishing me Medical problem with no cure Making dua but things getting worse- assim al hakeem
Which is worst in the sight of Allah : Shirk or Kufr? #allah #quran #hadees #sunnah
Which is worst in the sight of Allah : Shirk or Kufr? #allah #quran #hadees #sunnah - assim al hakeem
Permissible to have family gatherings on Christmas / Thanksgiving holidays? #allah
Permissible to have family gatherings on Christmas / Thanksgiving holidays? #allah assim al hakeem
Freelancer subcontractor works & takes 20% Does he need to tell the client? #quran
Freelancer subcontractor works & takes 20% Does he need to tell the client? #quran assim al hakeem
If I forgive someone but when I feel hurt I tell Allah I can't forgive them Is it ok
If I forgive someone but when I feel hurt I tell Allah I can't forgive them Is it ok - assim al hakeem
If I start practicing again but remember acts of kufr I did in past Do I say shahada
If I start practicing again but remember acts of kufr I did in past Do I say shahada - assim al hakeem
When should we eat 7 Ajwa dates as per the hadith, before or after Fajr #ajwa #quran
When should we eat 7 Ajwa dates as per the hadith, before or after Fajr #ajwa #quran assim al hakeem
How can I be loved ❤️ by Allah? MUST WATCH! #allah #quran #hadees #sunnah #hijab
How can I be loved ❤️ by Allah? MUST WATCH! #allah #quran #hadees #sunnah #hijab assim al hakeem
Can we receive payment for our work in Bitcoin Is it halal to Mine, purchase Bitcoin
Can we receive payment for our work in Bitcoin Is it halal to Mine, purchase Bitcoin assim al hakeem
Friend says madhab of Abu Hanifa is different from Salafis. Mocks & calls me Wahabi
Friend says madhab of Abu Hanifa is different from Salafis. Mocks & calls me Wahabi - assim al hakeem
Am I sinful if I share video that has good information but has music or women in it?
Am I sinful if I share video that has good information but has music or women in it? assim al hakeem