The Sacrifice and its Rulings

source :Osoul Global Center


Sacrifice or Hady is slaughtering animals to earn God’s reward as a part of Pilgrimage. There are five types; some are compulsory others are voluntary or recommended. Time and place for sacrifice depend on its type. 

The Sacrifice and its Rulings

Al-hady is an Arabic term that refers to the sacrifice offered as part of the pilgrimage. The sacrifice comprises animals: camels, cows and sheep that are slaughtered to earn Allah’s reward                             

Types of sacrifice

1-Offering a sacrifice by slaughtering a sheep is obligatory for people offering the pilgrimage in the tamattu' or qiran methods. This is a sacrifice offered in gratitude to Allah for enabling the pilgrim to offer both the pilgrimage and the 'umrah in the same season. If a pilgrim cannot find a sheep to sacrifice, or cannot afford it, he is required to fast three days during the pilgrimage. It is permissible for such a pilgrim to fast during the Tashriq days, i.e. 11–13 Dhul-Hijjah. He should also fast seven more days when he returns home.

:Allah says

 ‘He who takes advantage of performing the 'umrah before the pilgrimage shall make whatever offering he can easily afford; but he who lacks the means shall fast three days during the pilgrimage and seven more days on returning home; that is, 10 days in all  ’


 It is recommended that the pilgrim should partake of the meat of this type of sacrifice,

:as Allah says

 ‘Eat of their meat, and feed the poor who is contented with his lot, as well as the one who is forced to beg’


2-Sacrifice in compensation: This is the sacrifice that is compulsory when a pilgrim omits doing a duty or commits a violation of the restrictions of consecration, or in the case of a pilgrim who starts the journey and enters into consecration but cannot reach Makkah to perform the pilgrimage.

:Allah says

 ‘But if you are prevented, then [offer] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals.’


 Ibn 'Abbas said: ‘Whoever forgets to perform, or omits, any part of his pilgrimage should offer a sacrifice.

 This type of sacrifice must be totally given to the poor in the Haram area. The person who needs to make it may not partake of its meat. The person prevented from entering Makkah or completing his ritual must slaughter his sacrifice wherever he is and distribute the meat to the poor.

3-Voluntary sacrifice: This is recommended to all pilgrims and all those doing the 'umrah, in order to follow the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) example:

He sacrificed one hundred camels when he performed his pilgrimage. It is also recommended to partake of the meat of such sacrifice. The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave instructions to put a piece of every camel he sacrificed in a saucepan and the meat was cooked. He ate of it and sipped of its sauce.

Related by Ibn Majah, hadith No. 3,158.

4-Pledged sacrifice: This refers to the sacrifice a pilgrim may pledge to be slaughtered in the Haram area, to earn Allah’s reward. Such a pledge must be honoured.

:Allah says

‘Then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows’


 It is not permissible for the person making such a pledge to eat of this type of sacrifice.


1-The sacrifice for pilgrimage in the tamattu' or the qiran methods may be offered any time between the Eid prayer on Eid day (i.e. an hour after sunrise) until the end of the Tashriq days which is the 13th.

2-The sacrifice for having to break the ihram restrictions, such as having to shave one’s head or wear ordinary clothes, has no specific time: its time is when this is done. The same applies to the sacrifice for omitting a duty. However, it should be as soon as possible without delay.

3-The sacrifice for being prevented from continuing with the pilgrimage: its time is when this takes place. What is required is to sacrifice a sheep. Seven people may share a sacrifice of one camel or a cow.

:Allah says

‘But if you are prevented, then [offer] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals.’




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