Working in a Man-Made Judicial System Introduction The role of Muslims in non-Muslim judicial systems has been a topic of significant debate among Islamic scholars. This issue addresses the permissibility of Muslims taking up judicial positions, serving as jurors, or participating in any capacity within a nonIslamic legal framework
Can Muslims use medicines with alcohol? It's permissible if the alcohol is transformed and has no intoxicating effect. In cases of necessity, it's allowed when prescribed by a qualified doctor.
What is the Islamic ruling on using medicines containing alcohol?
It is permissible to use medicines containing alcohol if the alcohol has been transformed and has no intoxicating effect. If the medicine contains a large percentage of alcohol or a potent small percentage, it should only be used in cases of necessity, when no permissible alternative is available, and it is prescribed by a qualified doctor.
Khutba 1: Medicines Containing Alcohol Praise and Gratitude "All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds. We praise Him, seek His help, and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of our own souls and from our wicked deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides cannot be led astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, no one can guide." Prayer upon the Prophet (PBUH) "May peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgment."
📚 Interactive Islamic Jurisprudence with Sheikh Assim Al-HakeemExplore an interactive book featuring Q&A on Islamic Fiqh with Translated videos in English, Spanish, and French.
🕌 Available in 3 languages – learn and deepen your understanding of Islam Fiqh!
Linguistically speaking, fasting means abstention from something. In an Islamic context, it means intentional abstention from eating and drinking, as well as all that invalidates fasting, from the break of dawn until sunset with the intention of worshipping Allah.
This is an in-depth resume of the essential rules and
laws on the Fiqh of fasting designed to provide the reader with
explanation for both spiritual and physical significance and uniqueness
of this remarkable act of worship. Sheikh Shu`aib clarifies major point
on fasting. His focus is relevance of this divine discipline on to the
life and living as well as the interpretation of related text on Fasting
based on Al-Qur`an and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saas).
This book serves as a guide and reference on courses on Islamic studies.
Lessons on Fasting, Taraweeh & zakaat: contains numerous beneficial points. Itis divided up into eight sections, which were designed to serve as lessons on distinct topics commonly talked about during the month of Ramadan.
The prescribed book for the course is Subulus-Salaam by the 17th century Yemenite scholar Muhammad ibn Ismaa‘eel as-San‘aanee which is a commentary on Buloogh al-Maraam written by Haafiz Ibn Hajar al- ‘Asqalaanee. In Buloogh the author gathered the majority of the hadeeths which are commonly used as the basic evidences for the Islamic legal system. The course material is comprised of the Chapter on Fasting (Kitaab as-Siyaam) from Subulus-Salaam.
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