Embrace the tranquility of Ramadan
Embrace the tranquility of Ramadan with I'tikaf, a beautiful Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh). Dedicate the last 10 nights to worship in the mosque, seeking closeness to Allah. Itikaf Night Of Power
What is I'tikaf?I'tikaf is an Islamic practice of dedicating oneself to worship Allah by staying in seclusion in a mosque, particularly during the last 10 days of Ramadan, for the purpose of worship and seeking the Night of Power.
It is permissible to offer the greeting of peace to a group of people that includes some Muslims, but he should mean to direct his greeting to the Muslims. This is stated by Ibn Hajar and endorsed by Shaikh Abdullah ibn Jibreen.
Islamically, all food is lawful to eat except what God has made forbidden. God forbids only what is of no benefit to man, or what may have a bad effect on man’s health or what is sinful.
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