A Muslim woman can marry a communist only if he believes that there is no other deity than God and Muhammed is God’s messenger. In other cases it is forbidden. This article answers this question in details.

Marriage to a Communist Man

Similar Questions 

· Marriage between a Muslim woman and a Marxist man.
   · Marriage between a Muslim woman and an atheist man belonging to a Muslim family.

The Issue

Communism has become widespread among Muslims in some countries to the extent that Muslims have become a minority. Hence the situation arises where a Muslim woman may not find a suitable husband who is not a Communist. Moreover, some Communists declare that there is no deity other than God and that Muhammad is God’s messenger. 


It is forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a Communist who is an atheist and does not believe in God. Such a person is an unbeliever. The basis of this prohibition is

the Qur’anic verse that says

Do not marry women who associate partners with God unless they embrace the true faith. Any believing bondwoman is certainly better than an idolatress, even though the latter may well please you. And do not give your women in marriage to men who associate partners with God unless they embrace the true faith. Any believing bondman is certainly better than an idolater, even though the latter may well please you. These invite to the fire; whereas God invites to paradise and to the achievement of forgiveness by His leave. He makes plain His revelations to mankind so that they may bear them in mind.

2: 221

Councils and assemblies of Muslim scholars agree that a marriage between a Muslim woman and a Communist man is forbidden. 

The Islamic Fiqh Council at the Muslim World League studied the question of Communism in its first session held on 17 Sha[ban 1398 AH (1978) and issued a decision outlining the Islamic verdict on Communism and belonging to it. The decision states: ‘The Council draws the attention of Muslim countries and communities throughout the world to the fact that Communism is totally contrary to Islam and that to believe in it means disbelief in the faith God wants people to embrace. It destroys human principles and moral values and it is detrimental to human society . In view of all this, marriage to a Communist is unlawful. This is the ruling of a number of contemporary scholars.’ 

Fatwa by the General Secretary of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America: 

It is forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim, and this is unanimously agreed by all Muslims. Such a marriage is invalid according to all Muslims. Any woman who considers it lawful renounces her faith and disbelieves in God. A woman who accepts such a marriage, believing that it is forbidden, commits a cardinal sin and gross indecency, leading her to the precipice of disbelief and apostasy. Indeed some scholars consider her an apostate by virtue of her action, because a marriage contract naturally leads to making sexual pleasure and intercourse lawful. It is impossible to imagine that marriage to such a person does not imply such a relationship and its being lawful. 

The reason for the prohibition of such a marriage is that it leads to turning people away from religion.

The Qur’an expresses this as God says of such unbelievers

These invite to the fire

2: 221

In other words, as they share life with them they urge others to do what condemns them to hell. They may call on their partners to disbelieve outright, or they may try to create doubt in their minds about Islam and urge them not to practise it. A woman is normally in a weaker position and man can often influence her view of things.

That a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim, and if she does then her marriage is null and void, is evidenced

by the verse that says

Do not give your women in marriage to men who associate partners with God unless they embrace the true faith. Any believing bondman is certainly better than an idolater, even though the latter may well please you. These invite to the fire; whereas God invites to paradise and to the achievement of forgiveness by His leave

2: 221

According to al-Qurtubi, this is a definitive statement which makes it absolutely forbidden to have any marital relationship between a Muslim woman and an unbeliever. 

Another verse in the Qur’an says

Believers! When believing women come to you as migrants, test them. God knows best their faith. If you ascertain that they are believers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are no longer lawful [as wives] for the unbelievers, and these are no longer lawful to them.

60: 10

This verse forbids marriage between Muslim women and unbelievers. In the early days of Islam, this was possible, but the permissibility was subsequently withdrawn.

 Al-Shafi'i said: ‘If a woman converts to Islam, or is born in a Muslim family, or if one of her parents accepts Islam when she is still a child that has not attained puberty, no unbeliever, whether of earlier divine religions or an idolater may marry her.

The excuse some people advance that there are not enough men is absolutely false, from both the religious and the practical points of view. From the religious perspective, those who cannot get married must maintain their chastity until they have the means,

as God says in the Qur’an

As for those who are unable to marry, let them live in continence until God grants them sufficiency out of His bounty. And if any of your slaves desire to obtain a deed of freedom, write it out for them if you are aware of any good in them; and give them something of the wealth God has given you.

24: 33

 In this verse God gives an order to those who do not have the means to get married to remain patient and live in continence until God has given them plenty. He does not give them a concession to commit fornication, marry their close relatives or marry non-Muslim men.

The Prophet also says

Young men, whoever of you can afford it, should get married. It helps to lower one’s gaze and maintain chastity. Whoever cannot get married should fast, as fasting provides him with a shield.

Related by al-Bukhari, hadith No. 5,065; Muslim, hadith No. 1,400

The Prophet points out that fasting should be resorted to when one is unable to get married, either because one lacks the means or because there is not a suitable candidate. 

From the practical perspective, we all know, and everyone who is connected with Muslim communities in the West knows, that men who are looking to get married are always in plenty. Any Muslim woman who conducts herself as Islam requires and attends a mosque will not be short of offers of marriage. If she truly looks for a happy married life that helps her remain virtuous, she will be able to choose the right husband. 

In short, a Communist is an unbeliever who does not belong to any divine religion. As such he cannot be married to a Muslim woman. 


· The Islamic Fiqh Council.
   · The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America.

