If I have kept money for less than a year & buy flat, how much zakat do I pay #Assim
If I have kept money for less than a year & buy flat, how much zakat do I pay #Assim assim al hakeem
If I have kept money for less than a year & buy flat, how much zakat do I pay #Assim assim al hakeem
Do I have to redo Shahada if I unintentionally gave wrong information about a ruling - assim al hakeem
Working for a company (projects) that deals with Interest Riba #Assim #assimalhakeem assim al hakeem
Is eating burnt food haram? #Assim #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeem
What animals are prohibited to keep as pets? #Assim #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeem
Can I follow the easiest fatwas to overcome OCD? #Assim #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeem
Imam gave khutbah before Eid prayer, Takbeer after Fateha in 2nd rakah Prayer valid? - assim al hakeem
Used to watch Anime & Cartoons but images still come to my mind, how to stop? #Assim - assim al hakeem
Getting married 2 someone from another Nationality, Country What if parents disagree - assim al hakeem
Is wearing Taweez or Amulet with only Quranic ayahs shirk? (Ibn Umar hadith) #Assim assim al hakeem
Someone took a loan from me & isn't returning, can I deduct it from my zakat? #Assim assim al hakeem
Parents are forcing me to marry my cousin, what should I do? #Assim #assimalhakeem assim al hakeem
Is it permissible to attend music 🎶 classes in school if they are mandatory? #Assim assim al hakeem
At the time of death is it sufficient to say La ilaha illa Allah or must we say full Shahada? - assim al hakeem
Is watching Movies Listening to songs that contain kufr or shirk an act of apostasy? - assim al hakeem
Can I refill the Gas Cylinder from another company if they sell it for cheap? #Assim assim al hakeem
There was no imam so Kuwaiti led prayer & recited Surah Nas & Al Masad Prayer valid? assim al hakeem
Suffer from short term memory loss How 2 deal with prayers when I have doubts #Assim assim al hakeem
Are we allowed to deny invitation, such as wedding, aqeeqah or dinner / lunch #Assim assim al hakeem
Is delaying deceased's burial for family to have the last look permissible? #Assim assim al hakeem
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