Is worshipping Allah out of love & not fearing Him or anticipating reward, correct?
Is worshipping Allah out of love & not fearing Him or anticipating reward, correct? assim al hakeem
Is worshipping Allah out of love & not fearing Him or anticipating reward, correct? assim al hakeem
What is the financial expiation for breaking an oath? - assim al hakeem
Parents scold & force her to become a judge & study man made law, what should she do - assim al hakeem
Raise hands & say ameen after fateha, move index finger during shahadah in prayer, authentic? - assim al hakeem
Does the dot under the letter ba ب refer to Ali? Merging of 2 seas is Ali & Fatima? assim al hakeem
Married but not consummated marriage yet, found out he smokes weed Stay or leave him - assim al hakeem
Are minor barriers & minor impurity excused during wudu, ghusl? ( Black particles ) - assim al hakeem
Must we not rent our apartment to non Muslims in Arabian Peninsula How to treat them - assim al hakeem
Laying on something that has Allah's name such as a book or my phone, is it kufr? - assim al hakeem
Wants to be spoon fed with solutions - OCD with overthinking & exaggerating things - assim al hakeem
Can we lend money or give zakat to help someone pay off their riba loans or mortgage - assim al hakeem
I have reverted to Islam but my husband is still a Christian, is my marriage valid? - assim al hakeem
Can I say dhikr after salah while walking? Repeat adkhar if don't have concentration? - assim alhakeem
Allah doesn't accept zakat from someone whose relatives are in need & give 2 others? assim al hakeem
Wearing rings with Allah written on them Can women wear rings on Index Middle finger - assim al hakeem
Most imams recite fateha faster in 3rd 4th rakah, we can't keep up What's the ruling - assim al hakeem
If we cry during prayer due to worldly things happening in our lives, is salah valid assim al hakeem
Dealing with friends & people who ask me 2 stop when giving dawah They say they know - assim al hakeem
Can I shorten & combine my prayers if I travel often to attend function for college? - assim al hakeem
If an Islamic ruling is decreasing my iman, would I be sinful if I don't act upon it - assim al hakeem
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